May 5, 2020 President’s Sustainability Advisory Council Agenda and Meeting Notes
President’s Sustainability Advisory Committee
DRAFT: Agenda & Meeting Notes
May 5, 2020 Zoom Meeting 2-3:30 p.m.
Claudia Luke, Mark Perri, Kirsten Tellez, Merith Weisman, Nancy Keller, Justine Law, Monica Wahl, Barbara Frohlech, Craig Dawson, Judy Ford, Adele Santana, Nadiya Parekh, Nancy Keller, Kindra Kautz, Paul Gullixson, Elif Myers, Kimberly Kaido-Alvarez, Mikaya Martin, Jenifer Barnett
2:00-2:15 Announcements
- Sustainable Enterprise Conference (Judy Ford)
- North Bay Forward (Judy Ford)
- CEI Virtual Events (Claudia Luke)
- Report: SSU Earth Week - April 20-24 (Cody Darling)
- Report: Virtual Orientation - coming up (Mark Perri)
2:15-2:30 Business
- April 7 Meeting Notes (Barbara Frohlech)
- Council Membership
- Student Appointments Ending
- Marina Briones Leaving
- Welcome Mike Dominguez - Student Life (appt by Greg Sawyer)
- Provost Sustainability Funding (Claudia Luke)
- Grants and Proposals
- Zero Waste Sonoma (Craig)
- NSF RAPID (Claudia)
- Community Foundation (Judy)
- Bi-lingual Report of Initial Work EN/ES
- Strategic Growth Council (Judy)
- Second Nature Acceleration Grant (Judy)
2:30-2:50 Constituency Reports on Sustainability/Covid-19
- Staff Council (Barbara Frohlech)
- Associated Students (Monica Wahl, Cody Darling)
- Academic Senate (Kevin Fang)
- Faculty Report (Mark Perri)
- Report-Outs (PSAC Members)
2:50-3:30 End of Semester Working Group Reports
- Zero Impact Working Group (Craig Dawson)
- Waste containers
- WG hasn’t been virtually meeting; sub working groups not meeting; working with student interns
- Solid waste RFP has gone out; bid closing May 19
- Resilience Working Group (Judy Ford)
- Academic and Student Life (Mark Perri)
- CSU sustainability minor is stalled. The WG is working on SSU sustainability minor.
- The WG worked on student resilience by posting information about free wifi spots and free food available on campus
- Strategy, Communication and Advancement WG (Claudia)
- Sustainability Strategic Plan: motion to approve Vision/Mission was seconded and passed unanimously. Strategic Goals table was circulated for input
- Communication Plan - WG is integrating sustainability communication plan with SSU Brand Guidelines.