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Sustainable SSU
Climate Change and California’s Action Plan

Climate change is a defining issue and impacts our lives and health in a variety of ways, such as droughts, floods, fire and unhealthy air quality.

Sustainable SSU
Climate Change and Society LIBS 320B video project

Earlier this semester, the LIBS 320B students of Justine Law created art along the pathways near Darwin Hall and the Schulz Library sharing warnings and messages about Climate Change.  They've completed another fantastic project this semester and have created climate change videos for k

sidewalk chalk art displaying hourglass and words time is running out
Chalk Art and Social Change

On Thursday, October 13,2022, in front of Schulz library and Darwin Hall, Justine Law's LIBS 320B: Climate Change and Society class took designs they had previously created and produced sidewalk art related to climate change.

Sustainable SSU
SSU Campus Moving Forward on Sustainable Energy

In a big step forward to operate as a more sustainable and resilient campus, SSU has received approval from the Chancellor’s Office to install an array of solar panels in several campus parking lots.

Sustainable SSU
Inaugural Zero Waste Week for the North Bay: July 24-30, 2022

Learn to upcycle, recycle and save the planet


First-ever Zero Waste Week events start Sunday


Like to waste less food?

Sustainable SSU
Camp 2030 | Global Innovation Lab for the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Applications now being accepted for Camp 2030 Summit!

Empowering young leaders to end poverty, inequality, injustice, and climate change by the year 2030.

picture of students sorting through waste bags
Geography, Environment & Planning (GEP) Students Analyze SSU Zero Waste Efforts

Students in GEP 396.4: Waste Management, Recycling and Policy, are characterizing waste, recycling, and organics samples collected from waste collection stations in common areas on SSU campus.

Sustainable SSU
City of Healdsburg opens Utility Conservation Analyst position

The City of Healdsburg is launching a recruitment for a Utility Conservation Analyst. This would be a great opportunity for graduating seniors or graduate students with an interest in the field.

Sustainable SSU
Sustainability and Climate Action Plan update

TO: Campus community
FR: President’s Sustainability Advisory Council
RE: Sustainability and Climate Action Plan update