Join a Club!
The best place to find out information regarding clubs is through the Student Involvement / Recognized Clubs page and through the Engage portal. A few clubs of interest to learn more about sustainability and become an active participant include:
Students for Sustainability

Students for Sustainability is a club that hopes to create a coalition of students who represent an intersectional meaning of sustainability and environmentalism in their institutions through advocacy, activism, community engagement, and other educational opportunities. If this seems to resonate with you, come stop by, join our discussions, and share your passions with us!
Geography, Environment, and Planning Club

Mission: To connect students and staff within the Geography, Environment, and Planning major through social events, educational pursuits, environmental campaigns, and volunteer opportunities.
Activities: Potlucks, hikes, trash cleanups, camping trips
Each year, the President's Sustainability Advisory Council (PSAC) requests from the Associated Students (AS), four (4) students to serve on PSAC. Terms are for one year and can be repeated for two terms without a break. To apply for one of these openings, please complete the Students Volunteering to Serve on a University Committee Form found on the AS website.
PSAC also has working groups where much of the work is done. The working groups include Academic and Campus Life, Zero Waste, Strategy, Advancement and Communications and Regional Resilience. You don't have to serve on PSAC to be a part of the working groups, simply reach out to the Co-Chair of PSAC with your interest.