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Our Commitment to Climate Action


Our mission is to help catalyze creativity and innovation to create a green and vibrant North Bay.

We undertake our mission by:

  1. graduating a workforce ready to solve sustainability and environmental challenges in all sectors 
  2. increasing opportunities for faculty/student research and creative inquiry on priority sustainability issues of the North Bay
  3. increasing solution-oriented discourse and SSU campus engagement in community activities and events addressing sustainability
  4. embedding net-zero-impact practices into campus operations and collaborating with North Bay communities to achieve regional sustainability goals 


  • AASHE STARS Silver Rating (2019) 
  • Top Real Estate Projects - North Bay Business Journal award to Wine Spectator Learning Center (2017) 
  • Princeton Review Green Rating (2008-2010)

Sonoma State Core Values

The Sonoma State Strategic Plan 2025 identifies four core values that are infused into everything we do. These values are an expression of who we are: 

  • Diversity & Social Justice
  • Sustainability & Environmental Inquiry
  • Connectivity & Community Engagement
  • Adaptability & Responsiveness

Sustainability and Environmental Inquiry cannot become a significant part of our culture without fully embracing the other three values.