Michael Warner

Year of Graduation: 2011
Degree: Geography: Globalization and Identity
Internship(s): Natural Resource Protection Intern ( Marin Municipal Water District)
Current position name and description: Open Space Park Ranger – Marin County Parks & Member of the Marin County Search and Rescue Team
How sustainability is incorporated into your position: It was once said that a Park Rangers role was to protect the park from the people, the people from the park, and the people from the people. Sustainability of the natural systems with in the lands and waterways we protect is apart of our daily job. We proactively try to prevent inappropriate use or abuse of the resource through education and enforcement of the park regulations. In addition to this we remove litter from waterways and lands, restore overly used areas to their natural conditions, and maintain existing infrastructure of the park to prevent over use or inappropriate use. We work not just for those visiting our parks today, but for those who will visit in the future, well beyond our tenure of employment.
Best memory at SSU: My favorite memory of SSU is the many hours spent hanging out with classmates and friends at the Map Library or the Seawolf Den at the old Student Union Building.