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Aligned Centers on Campus

Center for Environmental Inquiry

Creates collaborations among faculty, students, and community to address North Bay sustainability challenges, and gives students hands on skills at 4200 acres of SSU preserve lands: Center for Environmental Inquiry

The Center for Environmental Inquiry (CEI) has grant funding available 

Center grants support faculty - either through project support or curriculum development - to engage students in sustainability and environmental inquiry. Applications from all disciplines are encouraged.  Awards generally range from $200-$3,000 depending on the funding source. Topics qualifying for funding are announced as part of the request for proposals and usually include water, fire, technology and general field studies. A request for proposals is released at the beginning of fall and spring semesters, Announcements are sent out via email and posted to CEI's website News and Calendar. To receive a personal email announcement or get help scoping a project, contact Center Director, Dr. Claudia Luke.

Please visit the CEI Projects and Funding page for information regarding previously funded projects.

Center for Community Engagement

Advances community-based programs on campus with a focus on diversity and sustainability: Center for Community Engagement      

Center for Sustainable Communities

Provides trainings, policy development, and program implementation services to local governments and other organizations while creating service-learning opportunities for students: Center for Sustainable Communities

Anthropological Studies Center

Provides consulting services in cultural resource management, and trains students in these practices: Anthropological Studies Center