May 4, 2021 President’s Sustainability Advisory Council Meeting Agenda & Meeting Notes
President’s Sustainability Advisory Council Meeting
May 4, 2021 2-3:30 p.m.
Agenda & Meeting Notes
PCLC Deadlines
- April 5, 2022
- Zero Carbon Assessment
- Regional Resilience Action Plan
- Academic Action Plan
Important Links
- Sustainable SSU Website
- PSAC Folder
- PSAC Charter
- PSAC Membership
- PCLC I ntroduction
- PCLC Time Line
- Fall 2020 Snapshot
2:00-2:10 Introductions & Announcements
- Climate Safe CA Webinar Series - The Climate Center - the path to net-negative emissions by 2030 in California
- Second Nature’s Climate Action Pursuit - 10 seats for faculty and staff; 20 seats for students. Second Nature is replacing their annual in-person meeting with four virtual conferences: June 10-11, October 7-8 and December 9-10.
- America is All In (Kirsten Tellez)
- Student Recruitment - summer positions in communication, GHG assessments, and sustainability event planning
2:10-2:15 Thank you for serving on the PSAC through 7/1/21. Please consider a second appointment!
- Abbey Serio, Sustainability Communications Intern
- Mary Gomes, Academic Senate representative (partial term)
- Justine Law, Academic Senate representative (2 year term)
- One year terms - Will you be joining us next year?
- Madison Hayes - yes
- Abbey Serio - graduating
- Molly Clemmons - graduating
- Claudia Mayo - yes
2:15-2:50 Working Group Highlights
- Zero-Impact Highlights (Megan, Dana)
- Spring Goals
- Complete background and accomplishments sections in Climate Action Plan
- Complete carbon reduction & resiliency goals in Climate Action Plan
- Work with carbon neutral vendor to complete assessment by April 2021
- Highlights
- STARS report - Submitted!
- Ecoshift: GHG Inventory (EcoShift) - Submitted!
- Solar Project
- Recology contract
- CSU Sustainability Procurement Policy
- Spring Goals
- Regional Resilience Highlights (Claudia)
- Spring Goals:
- Resilience Assessment Release and Upload to Second Nature
- Develop Regional Resilience WG membership
- Draft Elements of Community Engaged Resilience Action Plan
- Highlights
- Resilience Assessment Summary - Submitted!
- North Bay Forward Event
- Fall Goals:
- Draft Resilience Action Plan
- Spring Goals:
- Academic & Student Life Highlights (Mark)
- Sustainability Minor
- improved SLOs / PLOs
- Assigned intro class: GEP 206
- TODO: course matrix / assessment plan
- TODO: capstone course
- Coordinator f unding?
- Listserve: Sign up here
- Ex-officio participation: sustainability representative from Faculty Senate
- Sustainability Minor
- Strategy, Advancement and Communication Highlights (Kirsten, Julia)
- Summer-Fall Goals
- Sustainability Pledge - GEP student working with Chris Halle t o create pledge - Fall launch
- Developing intentional Marketing/Communications Plan
- Follow #sustainablessu on Instagram, FB
- Something to Share? | Sustainable SSU (
- Summer-Fall Goals
- All Working Groups (Claudia)
- PCLC deadlines all met
- Input on the Snapshot
- List everything you know that happened this semester about sustainability and resilience: planning, projects, highlights, quotes, classroom, campus, community
- Sustainability Snapshot (10 minutes)
2:50-3:10 Dr. Christopher Halle, Project Development Lead, Center for Environmental Inquiry
3:10-3:30 Sustainability Highlight: Dr. Nadiya Parekh, Business Administration
Dr. Parekh’s research interest surround the economics of social venture financing and the mismatch that arises when pursuing mixed-goals (social, economic & environmental sustainability).
Members Present: Barbara Frohlech, Claudia Luke, Megan Varnadore, Cody Smith, Michael Dominguez, Kirsten Tellez, Kindra Kautz , Justine Law, Jenifer Barnett, Mark Perri, Madison Annala, Abbey Serio, Madison Hayes, Claudia Mayo, Nadiya Parekh, Calee>
Not here: Julia Gonzalez, Merith Weisman, Molly Clemons, Nancy Keller, Kandis Gilmore, Kevin Fang
Additional Attendees: Alicia Hodenfield, Jestina Casas, Dana Twedell, Mary Gomes, Kimberly Kaido-Alvarez, Chris Halle