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Contributors and Revision History

Version One, release date April 18, 2022

The Climate and Sustainability Pledge was developed for release during 2022 Earth Week. It was developed under the charge of the Sonoma State President’s Sustainability Advisory Council (PSAC). The pledge evolved through discussions with scientific experts and local industry leaders. Although many people donated their time to the development of the pledge, local leaders generally requested that their names not appear on the pledge for various logistical reasons. If you are a local leader that helped contribute to the pledge and would like to be acknowledged, please contact us. The pledge is meant to be a living document. It will be re-evaluated and new versions will be released as new information becomes available. For suggestions or questions, please contact Please note that we may not be able to respond immediately due to the high volume of emails.

Development Summary:

Pledge Development Lead
Dr. Christopher Halle, Development Lead, Center for Environmental Inquiry

The following people at Sonoma State donated time, provided connections, or shared expertise during the development of the pledge:
Ms. Suzanne DeCoursey
The GEP Club, in particular, Mr. Teo Minkoff, Mr. Devon Surber, Ms. Monica Wahl
Dr. Michelle Goman
Ms. Olivia Hughes
Ms. Nancy Keller
Dr. Justine Law
Dr. Mark Perri
Ms. Margot Rawlins
Dr. Daniel Soto
Dr. Travis Wagner
Ms. Anais Wilson
Ms. Kerry Wininger

Web Design and Layout
Ms. Alicia Hodenfield, Administrative Manager, Administration and Finance
Ms. Barbara Moore, Director, Web Services
Dr. Claudia Luke, Director, Center for Environmental Inquiry

Pledge SSU Coordination
Ms. Kirsten Tellez, Director of Development

PSAC also provided helpful feedback and reviews during development of the pledge.